Want Financial Freedom?
The FIRST & FASTEST way to increase your INCOME is to decrease your OUTGO. if you are striving for financial freedom... drop some...

Paparazzi Pink Friday Ideas
Hello, Ladies! Because we are coming up on Black Friday and customers expect a deal on that day, I wanted to take this opportunity to...

Being Active pays off
Here are the ways you can WIN a Prize every month: Being Qualify by the 5th: Order 25 pieces gives you an entry for a drawing. Being...

Building an Empire: Turning Habits into Consistent Success According to science, it can take up to 66 days or 66 tries to form a new...

An Active Paparazzi Consultant
Many consultants don’t bother with maintaining their active status, but there are 3 really great reasons why every consultant should!...
The Danger of a Scarcity Mentality
A friend gets a promotion at work. Your sister goes on her dream vacation. A team member enrolls a record number of new Consultants in...

Are You Ready for the Holiday Season?
This time of year always brings a noticeable shift for Paparazzi Consultants. Customers seem to come out of the woodwork as everyone...