VIP Messenger Chat
Messenger Parties:
From Tiphanie Barnes in Johnie's Jewels #messengerparties
Messenger party verberage and more!
Also images for step by step on setting up a group message
MESSENGER PARTIES!- A fun new way to party!
Make a post on your wall:
“Hey guys! I have just learned a new style of partying! I’m looking to spoil 3 people that will allow me to try out this party method and you get spoiled in the process! Who wants in?”
As people comment that they are interested, let them know you have sent them a message. Give them your availability and make it somewhat soon, so you don’t lose them. EXAMPLE: “Yay!! Thank you so much! It’s via messenger, a messenger party. I have tonight and tomorrow night avail or we could do Saturday too. Just an hour or so through chat. I have a post for you to post on your wall once we decide a day/time.”
Or send a message: “Hey (name)! I was wondering if you’d like to host a jewelry party? I am excited to share a fun new messenger option. Let me know if you would like more info.”
Have them write this on their wall once you have a chosen date and time:
“Hey everyone! I'm hosting a new style of Paparazzi party on (date). It will be from (insert time, an hour is sufficient) right through a message on Facebook. No live to watch! No website to shop. Just check your messages. Your name (have them tag you) will also be playing a game with us! If you want to join, comment below and I will add you to the group! Thanks!”
Let them know when they have at least two people who have commented with interest, that they can/should start the group message to add those people and you. Then it can grow from there and they can add ppl as they comment. They can message people regarding the party in addition to the post on their wall. The group chat has to be done by them bc it’s their friends and you don’t have access to them.
Once the group chat has been created here is an idea what to write in the Messenger Party:
Messenger PARTY:
(HOSTESS name) has personally invited all of you to attend her Paparazzi party!!! The party will start tomorrow at (designated time), so feel free to send me requests on what you would like to see (bracelets, necklaces, etc).
My name is (your name), I am an Independent Consultant with Paparazzi Accessories! All of our regular jewelry is only $5 plus tax, AND it’s lead and nickel free . That means it is super affordable to have beautiful jewelry that won’t irritate your skin! We also have a line of little girls items for only $1 each!! If you would also like to see those, just let me know!
Ok, so the way this works is, I am going to post pictures in the group with numbers attached. The first person to say that item’s number, gets it!
**OPTIONAL: Some items will have the word FREE on them, that means that item is free to the first person to comment the item number!! You have to be quick though, most of these items I only have 1 of!! *No purchase necessary, winner pays shipping*
After the party, just send me your email address and I’ll get an invoice to you. If you need shipping it is a flat rate of $3 (or your shipping total) no matter how many pieces you order..
If you would also like to host one of these awesome parties (and help our hostess earn more free jewelry) just comment “host a party” at any time and I will send you my available dates! Also, if you would like to sell this awesome $5 bling at a 45% commission for yourself, at anytime comment “sign me up info” and I’ll send you all the info you need to get started!
As a hostess you will earn:
1 piece for hosting
1 piece for every 10 sold
1 piece for every party booked from your party!
If you would like to just order from my website to get our hostess more free bling, just visit my website and let me know you have ordered.
(insert website)
Also, check out my business page
(insert Facebook page link)
Click the “follow” button to be notified when I go live with new inventory in the future
Ok, whew! I talked your eyes off, I think that is it!
Thanks ladies!!! Have fun!!!”
Then follow up with this:
“Also, if at any time during the hour long party the messages become too much, you can mute the chat. By doing so, you may miss out on the games and free items.
If you are added to the group and decide you want out, feel free to click the "i" icon in top right corner and scroll down to leave group :)”
AN HOUR BEFORE PARTY STARTS: Have everyone say how they met the hostess. A little about themselves and if they have ever bought paparazzi before.
PARTY START TIME: You can share something like “Here we go!” Or “Are we ready?” Then post 10-15 photos at one time. Don’t send one by one. Send a group of photos every 3-5 minutes.
GAME: To keep the convo going throughout the party, have them find random things in their house or surroundings and send photos to earn points. And/Or send them to website to find a specific piece you’ve described. One with most points wins a free piece at end.
Setting up group:
Step 1: go into your messenger and click create new message
Step 2: select friends to be added to group message
Step 3: select create group
Step 4: send your first message welcome them the vip group/party