Hope this can be an inspiration for many of you today!
♥ I am Andrea Hutcheson. Leader of the Team United Fashionistas.
Many of my friends don't understand the sacrifice, long hours, restless nights, and much more that a small business owner goes through. It's not just Jewelry.
It's about helping others.
When I First started (July 2012). I didn't have the Money to buy a starter kit, neither didn't knew anyone (Literally). I came to the United states in June of 2007. I didn't Speak English. I wanted to go to college, so I had to learn it. Not only that, I love to talk, so it was definitely a NEED.
Fast forward a bit, in July 2012, I lived in a very Small town. I worked 3 part-time jobs & I was being paid minimum wage. I was also going to School (Full-time). We were struggling financially, but never unhappy, always Thankful for God's provisions.
As I look back, I am Thankful for God's Strength & Faithfulness.
When consultants tell me they don't have the time or money to invest in this business, all I can do is shake my head. I am proof that it can be done.
In July 2012 I saw the opportunity of earning just some extra income. I wanted to be able to help our budget and pay off debt. I used to make less than 12k per year. There was never an Excuse for me because I've always found a solution. I've always pushed forward. I am Thankful to God for those financial struggles, because as I look back, all I can be is very grateful today. We are a testimony of his Blessings & Faithfulness.
In the whole company there are about 60 or so Elite top leaders. There are a few top leaders who have made Elite Status within 2 years. Some who have joined since the company launched. They are all an inspiration.
It took me 3 years and a half to get to ELITE, and I am very thankful to God for my journey and for each of my team members who made this possible. I am thankful that I never quit. I could have, but never did.
I had a business mind. I knew I needed inventory to provide the best for my new clients and friends, without jewelry is like an empty store. I've built my network from less than 50 people to over 4,000+ friends and customers. I re-invested for 5+ months to have 900 pieces, and now I have my own jewelry store and I am able to share the jewelry through Social Media & party on Facebook.
Never in a million of years would have thought that I would have a team, all I wanted was to show the product and earn some extra income. Now we are a leader to 12,000+ amazing team members.
Did you also know that I was able to quit my jobs and do this full time in 2014? Did you know that my husband was able to join me as my Business partner?
I don't compare my journey with other Elite Leaders, because my journey has taught me so much!! I've learned so much. I started from 0. Now, I am able to teach others how to NOT make the mistakes I've made. Teach them what works. I am able to show them that someone like me who put God First, helped others and put effort made it to the top and they can too! This isn't LUCK. This is Reality.
One of our team members has gotten to ELITE rank within less than 3 months. Another leader made it to ELITE within 5 months. Another leader made it to ELITE with less than 200 team members.
That's proof that when you have a system that works, you can make it happen too.
My goal as leader is to help my team members accomplish this and much more for their family. For them to have Financial Freedom.
I am just beyond grateful for God's blessings!!! Thankful for a husband who supports me. I am thankful that I can use my time to serve God and help others. ♥ I am just so thankful.
Paparazzi Sisters: Enjoy the little things. Build Relationships.
Enjoy the small steps you take. Learn from your mistakes. Try again. #Doitscared. Don't compare your journey with others, instead enjoy it! Lastly, Remember that It does take effort and time. You must take action.

The Andrea

God is the CEO of my business and I am proud to be an Entrepreneur and leader. I am thankful that I joined this Amazing Company. ♥ #MyJourney#GodsFaithfulness #Effort #Grateful
Our Growth Overall Volume November 2012- August 2017

We will help -- We will help YOU (We will give you the tools)
Build your Business. -- YOU Build your Business. (This is YOUR business, is up to you to learn and apply, No give up, but PUSH no matter what, and step out of your comfort zone IF you want this Business OR any other Business to work for you and be able to leave a legacy for your family.)